This is Part 8 in my project to send data from my Arduino (/Genuino) to my TI Launchpad.
It's time to summarize. Here's my setup:
- In Part 2 we connected the Arduino to a thermistor.
- Part 3 connected the Arduino an MCP2515 CAN Controller.
- Parts 6,7 connected a TI Launchpad to a MCP2551 to receive CAN data.
- Part 5 gave a CAN overview.
All the code is on my github page.
I didn't describe the Launchpad thermometer icon I created using the TI's "GUI Composer".
To create it I followed some TI "GUI Composer" instruction videos. You simply select icons (here I chose a thermometer and text box) and tell GUI Composer what variable(s) you want the icon to display - in my case g_ui32MsgCount and g_temperature in the Part 7 code.
I also didn't describe setting up the Launchpad vector table. I'll do a more detailed post about vector tables in future. For now, for those of familiar with such things you simply need to tell the CAN0 interrupt to call CANIntHandler().
Leave a comment and enjoy!
This was really interesting to read! I love the range of post, there is really something for everyone. Thank you for sharing your suggestions too, great post!